Family-Centered Coaching Toolkit
Transform Practice & Engage Families
Welcome to the Family-Centered Coaching Toolkit. Use and adapt these strategies, tools, and resources to work holistically with families as they strive to reach their goals.
Develop a Practice of Coaching
Family-Centered Coaching FAQ
Welcome to our FAQ! These are the frequently asked questions we often receive about Family-Centered Coaching. If you don’t see your question answered here, please…
Family-Centered Coaching Overview
Family-Centered Coaching is a set of strategies, tools, and resources that help human service organizations reinvent how they engage with families experiencing poverty. Family-Centered Coaching…
Practice Trauma-Informed Care in Family-Centered Coaching
Family-Centered Coaching is designed with a trauma-informed care lens to support families who have experienced or are experiencing trauma. Trauma is often thought of as…
Build a Coaching Team
Supervise A Coaching Team
For coaches to fully implement Family-Centered Coaching, they need the support of their organizations–and perhaps more importantly, the support of their direct supervisor. Family-Centered Coaching…
Tool: Hiring Coaching-Inclined People
Hiring for coaching skills makes both onboarding and transitioning to coaching easier. While anyone can learn to coach, people who are inclined toward empathy, humility,…
Tool: Coaching Performance Self Assessment
Job performance measures can sometimes create unintended consequences, misaligned incentives, or conflicts with coaching practices. Use this tool to embed Family-Centered Coaching principles into your…
Create a Coaching Culture
Assessment: What Are Your Organization’s Coaching Strengths?
These questions will help you identify coaching strengths in your organizational culture, operations, accessibility, and approach with participants. Invite staff from different parts of your…
Assessment: What Are Your Organization’s Family-Centered Strengths?
Use this assessment to determine how to best ensure your coaching practices are family-centered. This includes assessing how staff are currently working with participants: Do…
Tool: What Does it Take to Move Toward Family-Centered Coaching?
After you have completed and discussed the results of the Family-Centered Coaching assessments, use this tool to determine steps your organization can take to move…
The Prosperity Agenda provides these resources as the designated national administrator of Family-Centered Coaching.