Assessment: What Are Your Organization’s Family-Centered Strengths?

Use this assessment to determine how to best ensure your coaching practices are family-centered. This includes assessing how staff are currently working with participants: Do programs focus on individuals and families together? Do staff take a strength-based approach? Do staff reflect the communities they are serving?

  1. Invite staff from different parts of your organization to complete this assessment as well as What Are Your Organization’s Coaching Strengths?.
  2. Meet to share and discuss the results. Which results were similar and which were different? How do they vary depending on role or program?
  3. Review and discuss the tool What does it Take to Move Toward Family-Centered Coaching? to prioritize how to introduce or develop a Family-Centered Coaching approach that builds off of your current organizational strengths. 

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The Prosperity Agenda provides these resources as the designated national administrator of Family-Centered Coaching.