Tool: Checklist for Developing FCC Partnerships

Use this step-by-step tool to develop Family-Centered Coaching partnerships. These are questions and considerations will help you decide whether you are developing a referral relationship or plan to provide coaching across services and organizations. 

  • If the intent of the partnership is to ensure Family-Centered Coaching practices across organizations, a relatively robust partnership will be required to break silos and deliver a seamless participant-centered experience. 
  • If the intent of the partnership is to fill a service gap, the partnership may be more of a referral relationship with clear lines of communication and accountability, but without the need for frequent meetings and discussions on the family.

Assigning a team lead and creating a timeline to work through these questions will help you to stay on track to establish the services and partners families need.

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The Prosperity Agenda provides these resources as the designated national administrator of Family-Centered Coaching.