Tool: Everyday Strategies for Working with Families

This resource takes into account the things you can do as a coach to help reduce the impact of stress and trauma experienced by families, as a result of institutional racism, implicit bias, poverty, inequality, and other factors.

A quick review of this resource provides you with 10 practical steps you can take during a meeting
with families to help mitigate the impact of stress and trauma. While over time these strategies may become second nature to you, it is helpful to review them daily to make sure you are not missing some that may be key to working with your parents.

Below is a PDF you can print, download or view full screen. See the toolbar at the top of the PDF for these various options. If you view in full screen, to get back to the normal page view, click the toggle in the toolbar at the bottom of the PDF.


The Prosperity Agenda provides these resources as the designated national administrator of Family-Centered Coaching.