For Participants:
Use these tools in your coaching conversations with participants.
Tool Assessing & Brainstorming
A Practical Guide for Case Managers and Human Services Professionals This tool is designed to help case managers, human service professionals, and supervisors guide participants…
Tool: Who Is In My Family?
This tool helps you get to know a parent and how they define their family, and to begin to identify family strengths. You can use…
Tool: My Hopes and Dreams
This tool is used in conjunction with the tool Who Is in My Family? Once you have a sense of the family, you can more…
Tool: Roles a Coach Can Play
This tool supports the Family-Centered Coaching principles of transparency and collaboration. By being transparent about the different roles a coach can play, you keep the…
Tool: The Wheel Of Life
This tool explores a family’s overall well-being, prioritize areas of life to work on, and set initial goals. Parents can use The Wheel of Life…
Tool: Plan, Do, Review
Use this tool to help participants make specific plans to take steps and practice their self-defined goals. Participants and coaches can also use the tool…
For Coaches:
Use these tools as part of your practice of coaching.
Family-Centered Coaching Toolkit (August 2017)
The original Family-Centered Coaching Toolkit was released in August 2017 with the launch of Family-Centered Coaching. Below is a PDF you can print, download or…
Six Steps to Family-Centered Coaching (August 2017)
The Six Steps to Family-Centered Coaching was released in August 2017 with the launch of Family-Centered Coaching. Below is a PDF you can print, download…
Tool: Ready to Coach Checklist
This checklist is a simple reminder of quick and easy things you can do to calm your mind, set an intention for the meeting, and…
Tool: Everyday Strategies for Working with Families
This resource takes into account the things you can do as a coach to help reduce the impact of stress and trauma experienced by families,…
Tool: What Does It Sound Like When Coaches Use FCC Approaches?
This tool is helpful for training purposes as it helps clarify language used by the coach when playing each of the three roles, and how…
Tool: The Roles of Participants and Coaches in Family-Centered Coaching
This tool outlines Family-Centered Coaching from the perspectives of the parent and coach. At every step of Family-Centered Coaching, the parent remains in the driver’s…
Tool: Listening For Participant’s Readiness to Change
Review this tool before meeting with a parent to help you listen for words and phrases that identify their readiness for change. Think about what…
Template: Developing a Local Resource Guide
Our thanks to LIFT-DC for the basis of this template that allows you to include resources for basic needs, education and training providers, childcare, and…
Tool: Coaching on Basic Needs: Food, Housing, Transportation, Safety
This tool provides guidance and information on why this topic is important and general tips and advice for coaching on this topic, including how to…
Tool: Coaching on Employment, Education, and Career Areas of Life
This tool provides guidance and information on why this topic is important and general tips and advice for coaching on this topic, including how to…
Tool: Coaching on Child Well-Being and Parenting Areas of Life
This tool provides guidance and information on why this topic is important and general tips and advice for coaching on this topic, including how to…
Tool: Coaching on Financial Areas of Life
This tool provides guidance and information on why this topic is important and general tips and advice for coaching on this topic, including how to…
Tool: Coaching on Health and Well-Being Areas of Life
This tool provides guidance and information on why this topic is important and general tips and advice for coaching on this topic, including how to…
Tool: Coaching on Family, Friendship, & Other Relationship Areas of Life
This tool provides guidance and information on why this topic is important and general tips and advice for coaching on this topic, including how to…
Tool: Coaching On Legal Areas of Life
This tool provides guidance and information on why this topic is important and general tips and advice for coaching on this topic, including how to…
Tool: Family-Focused Powerful Questions
This set of questions can be used to help you assess the role of family members and where some of them might be on the…
For Organizations:
Use these tools to strengthen coaching within your organization.
Coaching Up Close: Building Capacity for Family-Centered Coaching Through a Community of Practice
Angela Hood- Beaugard, Executive Director and Jessica Kitchner, Operations Manager at Flint & Genesee County Literacy Network shared their experience building capacity across a network using…
Coaching Up Close: Inspiring Essential Buy-in for Family-Centered Coaching
Kevin Lewis, Deputy Executive Director & Assistant Vice President of Resident Services at The NHP Foundation, under which Operation Pathways operates, shared his experience on…
Coaching Up Close: Adopting Family-Centered Coaching Across a Larger Organization
Shelly Jarrett, Staff Development Coordinator for Maricopa County Human Services Department, shared her experience on how she adapted Family-Centered Coaching within her large county-wide organization.…
Coaching Up Close: Shifting Power to the Participant Through Family-Centered Coaching
Melissa Hall Sommer, Vice President and Talia Frye, Vice President at Brighton Center shared their experience using Family-Centered Coaching to support how they shift power to…
Coaching Up Close: Deepening Racial Equity through Family-Centered Coaching
Luecendia Reed, Director of Family Support Services at New Moms, shared her experience with Family-Centered as a practice to deepen racial equity. “Family-Centered Coaching really…
Coaching Up Close: Developing Funding to Support Family-Centered Coaching
Laureen Atkins, Vice President- Strategic Initiatives at The Literacy Cooperative, shared her experience with integrating Family-Centered Coaching that support holistic care. ”In order for us…
Coaching Up Close: Implementing Family-Centered Coaching Through a Culture of Feedback
Dana Emanuel, Director of Innovation at New Moms, shared her experience with integrating Family-Centered Coaching by cultivating a culture of continuous feedback. “The FCC mindset…
Tool: Hiring Coaching-Inclined People
Hiring for coaching skills makes both onboarding and transitioning to coaching easier. While anyone can learn to coach, people who are inclined toward empathy, humility,…
Tool: Who Is In My Circle?
The role of a coach requires respect and empathy for the families they serve–as well as a fluid approach. It also calls for self-awareness and…
Tool: Coaching Performance Self Assessment
Job performance measures can sometimes create unintended consequences, misaligned incentives, or conflicts with coaching practices. Use this tool to embed Family-Centered Coaching principles into your…
Tool: Strength of Coaching Relationship Survey
Participant experience is one of the earliest measurable indicators of program engagement. LIFT, a nonprofit dedicated to helping people exit poverty, found engaged participants made…
Tool: Coaching Confidence Survey
The Coaching Confidence Survey is a reflective tool designed to help coaches assess their application of Family-Centered Coaching (FCC). This resource allows them to identify…
Assessment: What Are Your Organization’s Coaching Strengths?
These questions will help you identify coaching strengths in your organizational culture, operations, accessibility, and approach with participants. Invite staff from different parts of your…
Assessment: What Are Your Organization’s Family-Centered Strengths?
Use this assessment to determine how to best ensure your coaching practices are family-centered. This includes assessing how staff are currently working with participants: Do…
Tool: What Does it Take to Move Toward Family-Centered Coaching?
After you have completed and discussed the results of the Family-Centered Coaching assessments, use this tool to determine steps your organization can take to move…
Tool: Finding Coaching-Inclined Funders
Whether you are having a conversation with a new or current funder or Program Officer, or re-imagining an existing funding relationship, use this tool to…
Tool: Funding Coaching-Inclined Organizations
Note: This tool is intended for staff in foundations or other organizations that provide funding to community-based human services. Whether you are having a conversation…
Assessing Organizational Readiness & Creating Partnerships (2017)
The original Assessing Organizational Readiness & Creating Partnerships guide was released in August 2017 with the launch of Family-Centered Coaching. Below is a PDF you…
Assessment: What Are Your Organization’s Need for Family-Centered Partnerships?
Implementing Family-Centered Coaching requires deep knowledge in a range of subject areas. Many organizations will need to partner with other community-based organization to fully meet…
Tool: Success-Driven Program Development
Use this step-by-step tool to apply a coaching mindset to guide your program improvements. Choose one track to guide your program improvement efforts. Each track…
Tool: Checklist for Developing FCC Partnerships
Use this step-by-step tool to develop Family-Centered Coaching partnerships. These are questions and considerations will help you decide whether you are developing a referral relationship…
The Prosperity Agenda provides these resources as the designated national administrator of Family-Centered Coaching.