This tool helps you get to know a parent and how they define their family, and to begin to identify family strengths.
You can use this in several ways.
- Use it to engage in a conversation with a parent during the meeting, perhaps starting to fill it in together to make sure the parent understands the directions. Then have them complete it at home and bring it back to the next meeting.
- Complete the tool together, asking questions as it is filled in.The parent can take it home to share with other family members, adding to it or changing it as needed. When the parent returns, you can follow up with additional questions.
As the parent talks about their family, listen for who the people are who provide continual presence and help on a day-to-day basis, such as with child care and transportation, and those who serve more as emotional supports for a parent. Parents need both types of support. This tool provides insight as to the breadth and depth of a parent’s support network and lets you know who to be sure to ask about in follow-up visits.
During the conversation about who is in their family, listen for the hopes and dreams the parent shares as this will inform the tool My Hopes and Dreams.
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Who-is-in-my-familyThe Prosperity Agenda provides these resources as the designated national administrator of Family-Centered Coaching.